ONTB   Burkina Faso : Land of upright people

Peulh Habitats

Peulh Habitats

Image Peulh Habitats

They are grouped mainly in the north of the country, in the Sahelian zone, they are nomads but many have begun to settle near water points.

The habitat itself is made of secco (straw) supported by wooden branches. The ground is covered with sand in accordance with the cultural milieu of the Peulhs.

On the principles of the Fulani habitat, it should be noted that the Fulani, like the Tuaregs, are a nomadic people. The habitat is thus summary, precarious and constitutes, even if it is unique, the entire universe of the community, which is generally very small.

The hut is therefore the entire universe of the community life of the Fulani. First of all, there is the bed for the living room; it is on two floors and the entire community must be able to live there.

On the lower floor, it is for the father and the mother. The first floor is reserved for the children. The part reserved for the father and the mother is covered with richly decorated mattresses; in this medium there is no mattress. The more a man loves his wife, the more there are mats.

The hut (the peulh habitat) constitutes at the same time the kitchen. One will notice the kitchen fireplace on the right at the entrance as well as the various utensils needed.

The Peulh hut (the Peulh habitat) is also the place of work, particularly for women. Thus there are all the elements to milk the cows daily and to make butter. There are wooden cups and several containers for this way of working.

The Peulh hut (the Peulh habitat) is also the commercial center. Thus, there are more than 75 gourds, gourds, vans for the trade related to the life of the Peulh.

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Peulh Habitats

Tourisme Burkina Faso