ONTB   Burkina Faso : Land of upright people

National Park of Arly

National Park of Arly

Image National Park of Arly

The reserve is the subject of multiple international recognitions, such as belonging to the World Heritage and UNESCO Biosphere Reserves.



The total area of the Arly wildlife reserve is 760 km21. It was created by Decree No. 8885 SEF of December 13, 1954; it belongs to the Arly Protection and Conservation Unit ("UPC Arly")2 . The reserve is transboundary with the Pendjari National Park located in Benin.

The management of the park has been delegated to the NGO NATURAMA since 1993.

The Arly National Park corresponds to the grouping of the Arly Total Wildlife Reserve and the Modjoari Total Wildlife Reserve but there is no official declaration justifying this status.


International recognitions

The Arly National Park, together with the Pendjari National Park and the W National Park as well as the Koakrana, Kourtiagou (Burkina Faso) and Konkombri, Mekrou (Benin) Wildlife Reserves constitute a vast complex of protected areas between Burkina Faso, Benin and Niger. Covering an area of 17,148.31 km2 , this continuous zonation forms an ecological corridor recognized since 1996 as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The reserve has been designated as a Ramsar site since 2009 for the international importance of its wetlands.

The Arly reserve is part of a complex of protected areas with the Singou total wildlife reserve forming an important area for bird conservation.

The reserve is part of the Arly Biosphere Reserve recognized by UNESCO in 2018. It covers 2 120 679.45 ha, it is managed by the National Office of Protected Areas (OFINAP).


Why visit the park with a guide?

The practice of wildlife cannot be improvised. An experienced guide will know how to follow a trail and show you animals from far away, through bushes. He knows the habits of each species and also knows how to notice changes in behavior that you may not notice. Also, follow their advice especially for safe distances with the animals.

You will be able to approach elephants, hippos, warthogs and all kinds of monkeys. But he also knows all the tracks, and will know how to facilitate your relations with the villagers, hoteliers and administration.

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Infos pratiques

Location: Diapaga, Burkina Faso

Surface area: 760 km².

Founded: December 1954

Tourisme Burkina Faso