ONTB   Burkina Faso : Land of upright people




The Bolo'Arts festival project is initiated within the framework of the Bolo'Arts association's socio-cultural and artistic awareness and development activities. This project is part of the artistic approach that wants to make culture and arts a factor of sustainable human development in Burkina Faso.


The association aims to create artistic relations throughout the sub-region with its Bolo'Arts Night - an evening of three concerts of traditional music of the highest level which is usually hosted by the French Institute of Bobo Dioulasso. The association wishes to link the recognized troupes in Burkina with those of neighboring countries, to create an artistic exchange across the continent to accentuate the authenticity of pure traditional music.




This project has the following objectives:

To allow the population to live together in a framework of exchange of peace, solidarity and sharing through artistic and socio-cultural actions.

To allow budding artists to express their talent on a stage and in a public exhibition. And allow them to have fun in front of their colleagues and other personalities.

Allow the neighbourhood to celebrate the end of the year in a different way.

Strengthen the bonds of friendship between artists and also with the population.

Reinforce children's knowledge of art and introduce them to unusual activities.

Valuing and defending our customs and traditions



Discovering young talents

Develop the population of Bolomakoté

Create a social rapprochement with the population

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Infos pratiques

01 BP : 2787 Bobo Dioulasso 01, Burkina Faso


Abdou Dramane Kouassi OUATTARA

00 226 78 78 36 26

00 226 77 09 38 39

00 33 752 88 11 54



Site web

Tourisme Burkina Faso